Thursday, January 16, 2020

Once More

Read over something you've written with an eye for the devices you've used to connect the parts. Underline all the transitions, pointing terms, key terms, and repetition. Do you see any patterns? Do you rely on certain devices more than others? Are there any passages that are hard to follow-and if so, can you make them easier to ready by adding appropriate transitions or trying any of the other devices discussed In this chapter. Try revising your text to Include different ones. Pointing words help orient your reader and establish continuity wealth your writing.KEY POINTS use pointing words to help orient your readers. Plotting words point forward or backward to other sentences. Plotting words help to give your paragraphs continuity. Key terms a key term is a word that will be important on whatever subject you need to know, that involves a key term. You'll usually have to define a key term like in social studies a key term would be: Ideology so you would define it as: a set of beliefs and values. Key terms are Vocabulary that someone should know in order to understand the topic. Petition The writer is usually trying to express an emotion or a phrase. Just like in Robert Frost's poem â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† he repeats the last line â€Å"and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep† to stress the extent of his journey and his exhaustion. In â€Å"the charge of the light brigade† repetition was most likely used to honor the men who died. By repeatedly stressing the number of men who fought and died for what they believe in they stress that they will not be easily forgotten.

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