Monday, November 4, 2019

Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change - Essay Example The earth’s surface will absorb more solar radiation and the surface will increase in temperature and as a result will emit more radiation into the atmosphere. This will lead to an alteration in moderating, increasing, and the earth’s temperature. In my country Qatar, the overall carbon dioxide emission is low compared to that of United States of America. This is because of the many different industries that are available in America. According to a recent report released, it indicates the total amount of carbon dioxide as released by countries. My country Qatar produced 57.508 million tons in the year 2007 and 61.139 million tons in the year 2008. This is an increase in CO2 emission. The total CO2 emission by the United States in 2007 and 2008 was 6.00328 billion tons and 5.832818 billion tons. This is a decrease in the emission. However, the total emission by United States remains comparably high to that of Qatar. The rate of increase in USA is -2.839% while that of Qatar is 6.314%. This shows that Qatar has continued to produce more carbon dioxide as compared to previous years while that of USA has declined. The per capita carbon dioxide emission for Qatar according to a recent UNDP human development report is that Qatar’s per capita CO2 emission is at 79.3%. This is the highest in the world. Per capita CO2 emission for USA ranked twelve worldwide. The reason Qatar ranked highest is its mining of gas products and a low population. Population has a direct impact on the total amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. This is because of the number of households involved and the total amount of energy used. In my country Qatar, the population is less as compared to that of USA. This means the total number of households that emit CO2 gas is less compared to that of USA. The more the number of gas users increases at homes depending on the number of households involved. Therefore, population is directly related to

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